"The deepest longing of a woman's heart is to give herself lovingly, to belong to another, and to possess this other being completely. Only God can welcome a person's total surrender in such a way that one does not lose one's soul in the process but wins it. And only God can bestow Himself upon a person so that He fulfills this being completely and loses nothing of Himself in so doing. That is why total surrender which is the principle of the religious life is simultaneously the only adequate fulfillment possible for woman's yearning."
Edith Stein (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)
I have learned so much in my year of Candidacy, and it is humbling to think of everyone that supported me in so many way to enable me to move forward. I'm so very grateful.
Today is wedding day in Carmel - 3 Sister are making their first profession of vows, and 2 Sisters are receiving their religious names as they become novices. It is such a beautiful day and I can't wait to see them!
I will be going home to my family in Colorado next week to spend some time with them and to prepare to enter an entirely new world. I've been getting my feet wet during this past year, but this next step will mean leaving behind many of the things that I've been able to keep over this past year, and I will continue to need many prayers. There will be many preparations to make (both interior and exterior), so I'm very glad to have some time at home with my family to process all that is happening.
In August, I'll return to California and begin a month of Aspirancy, where I'll be preparing to enter. And God willing, I will be entering in September.
I will continue to update as I can during the next month - please keep me in your prayers as I move forward, trusting God to continue to lead me step by step as His will unfolds for me.
With all my love and gratitude
In His Sacred Heart,