I am so blessed to live with the other Candidates - I learn so much from each of them. Our lives of prayer keep us centered in Christ, and I'm amazing by each of them, in the depth of their love for our Lord and their continual willingness to serve. During our free nights, when we have recreation together, we will sometimes have praise and worship nights together; I play the cello, Cherilly plays the piano and Martha plays the guitar - and we all gather around and play and sing and worship together. In those moments I can hardly believe the joy that fills my heart.
Last weekend, Sister Pia of the Pierced Heart made her first profession of vows. We were fortunate to attend her Wedding day! We had front row seats to witness her Total Consecration to Christ in making vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. It was beautiful to see her joyful gift of self.
I feel strongly that God is calling me to give myself to Him entirely. In order to move on in my formation to enter officially as a Postulant, I will need to pay of my Student Loans and be completely debt free in the next few months - that means raising a little over $20,000.
Please consider supporting me financially, so that I am free to respond to Christ invitation to belong entirely to Him. I am so grateful for those who have already given to help me, and I am very encouraged by the support and prayers I have received!
If you are able to help me, please consider giving. I can receive payments through PayPal through the button on the right side of the page.
Or, if you would prefer, I can also receive donations through mail here:
Leah DesGeorges
Candidates of the Heart of Mary
819 Buena Vista St.
Duarte, CA 91010
Please know how closely I hold you all in my heart and prayers! My God bless you abundantly!
Resting in His Most Sacred Heart,