Sunday, June 15, 2014

One Month

Dear friends,

I'm happy to share some exciting news - I have been officially accepted for Postulancy! That's the next step in formation, and would mean actually entering the Carmelite Sisters community. It's a really big step, and one I feel ready to take (If you're interested in the different stages of formation, you can read about them here).

However, my entrance is conditional -  I must be completely debt free by July 16th - the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

That's one month away.

I still need $14,000 to pay off the rest of my student loans, and $6,000 to cover the cost of health insurance during the 3 year novitiate. So, $20,000 dollars total.

Will you help me? Please consider a donation - even a small donation of $20 would help me towards my goal.

I trust God completely that if it is His will, I will find the money that I need to move forward.

I have more exciting news - my conversion story is going to be featured by the Coming Home Network in their July newsletter, and online. They are a wonderful organization behind "The Journey Home" on EWTN, featuring stories of people who have converted to Catholicism. I'll post a link to the story once it's been posted. I'm really excited to be able to share my story of conversion.  

God bless you all, I keep you always in prayer. Please let me know if you have any special intentions that I can be praying for.

With much gratitude,